Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Entering Year 3.

I'm entering into the 3rd year of my journey into photography. Just penning my thoughts about that journey down, on this romantic Valentines day.

Year 1
In my 1st year, it was all about the equipment - Nikon or Canon (no, it doesn't really matter), zoom or prime lenses (I got both), UV filters or not (I decided to go without), which tripod - and how to use them.

I consumed a lot of information on the web, magazines, books - about how to use the camera, the tools.I experimented with various things like HDR, "Brenizar" method, Light painting, "Time-Slice", ND filters etc. But the best tool I learnt was using Lightroom, and besides ND filters (which I still love using), I've pretty much ditched using them for the sake of using them.

Year 2
I came across the website Pixoto, and had a lot of fun uploading my pictures, and seeing how they fared against others. I loved the almost instant "feedback", and gave me lots of examples of great work, ideas on how to get great shots. It gives out a lot of "awards" too, from best (from top 20% to top 10) of the day/week/month/year - and out of sheer vanity, I linked Pixoto to my facebook account. Getting good feedback, and likes, is addictive.

I also got to shoot 2 weddings, and 1 "unofficial" portrait session - they were stressful, but great fun and learning opportunities.I finally took the plunge and got my full frame camera, then had my computer crash and lost the last 5 months worth of photographs in 2012. I also ran a workshop for some photo enthusiast from my church, which I think went alright.

And I've really learned how to handle my own camera, esp when I struggled during the 1st weeding shoot - I got down and tried to learn everything about the camera, so that I know exactly what settings to use, for what purposes.

Year 3
As I enter the 3rd year, I've realized that I've come a long way since I started. Ironically, as I have improved technically, my own "standards" have raised, and not so easy for me to be "impressed" by my own photography. I seem to get less "wow" shots, and sometimes, I shoot less - as I realize that I won't be able to get a good shot.

I now know that I have absolutely no interest in macro photography, photos of flowers/nature stuff, using photoshop (so far), funny filters (which I did when I shot with iphone) and gimmicky photography.

I do like a great cityscape/landscape, and shooting what I eat, and would love to hunt for the holy grail of mastering light - both natural, as well as learning how to master the use of the flash. And I've found myself drawn to - is photo journalism. I love shooting events as they unfold, and if in "another life", I'd love to be a conflict photographer, shoot for a newspaper covering events. I love shooting people, I want pictures that show emotion, that draws you into the picture and forces an emotion out of you.

Back to equipment, I love the tools I have now. I am absolutely loving the D600 camera (ISO, dynamic range, and functionality of it). My 24-70 lens is a bit stiff, suffering the wear and tear & prob needs a bit of repair - but it is the perfect match. I also love the 50 f1.4 prime, and whip out the 80-200 when I need the distance or shooting sports. And it is much less about getting equipment now. I've been flirting with getting a nice Carl Zeiss 21mm lens for wide angle landscape, but that's a $2k lens which can wait.

It's been a wonderful journey - I am much more focused now. I hope my desire to learn doesn't stop, as a result. And I hope that I can be using my "hobby" not just to "gain glory for myself" but in more useful/beneficial ways of helping others. Let's see.